Complete Video
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Complete Video

Add a fullscreen video, video banner, or video player to your website. Great for GIF videos as well.
3 different video widgets

3 different video widgets

Add a fullscreen video, video banner, or video player to your website.
Fullscreen video

Fullscreen video

Add a fullscreen video to your website with the option to add an overlay and a play button for devices that do not play video automatically.
Video Banner

Video Banner

Add a custom size video to your website with the option to add an overlay and a play button for devices that do not play video automatically.
Video Player

Video Player

Add a video player to your website with a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio. Choose from 2 different themes and customize the theme colors for the video player.

The video can resize as the browser resizes. Videos do not play automatically on tablet and mobile devices, and a poster image will show initially on those devices. A play button can be added for Tablet and Mobile so that the user can view the video on those devices.

Multi-Browser Support

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+

Version 1.1
Last updated on 02.05.2018

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