Fantastic 74 Animations
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Fantastic 74 Animations

The most extensive collection of animation effects for any element on your Adobe Muse website. Choose from 74 Animation Effects.
Choose from 74+ Animations

Choose from 74+ Animations

  • Animate elements on your website and choose from over 74 different animations!
  • Set the speed, delay, duration, and iteration for the animations!
  • Apply multiple animations on one page!
Animate on load, hover, click, or scroll

Animate on load, hover, click, or scroll

Animate the elements on load, hover, click or scroll.
Fade elements in and out

Fade elements in and out

Apply a fade in or fade out animation on top of the preset animation.
Disable at breakpoint

Disable at breakpoint

Disable the animation at a specific breakpoint.

The animations are set to work across all breakpoints and devices, and can be disabled at a specific breakpoint.

Multi-Browser Support

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+

Version 2.3
Last updated on 02.27.2018

Make Better Websites, Starting Today.

All access pass for only $49/year.
Version 2.3
Version 2.3
  • Added two new animations – headShake and jackInTheBox.
  • New “On Scroll” setup.
  • On Scroll animations with the same graphic style name will now animate individually when scrolled to.
  • Fixed issue with elements not animating On Scroll across breakpoints.
  • The widget now uses CDN technology to help your website load faster.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Updated code.
Version 2.2
  • -Animation trigger added to the widget cover. This an aesthetic addition and updating is optional.
Version 2.2
  • Fixed issue with not being able to add multiple ‘On Load’ animations.
  • ‘On Hover’ animations now play through the entire animation even when leaving the mouse off of the element.
  • Ability to fade out “On Load” animations.
  • Ability to disable animations at a certain breakpoint.
  • Fixed issue with widgets getting taller in height on Windows computers.
  • Fixed issue with elements disappearing in Firefox and Safari when adding a 100% width rectangle in Adobe Muse (only applies to certain animations).
  • Graphic style name added with widget cover to make it easy to distinguish what widget pertains to what element and animation.